One of the best things about the Bootstrap program is that it’s free. However, if you’ve ever found it to be intimidating, The Web Dev Zone has created a full tutorial to help you get through it. From the history of the product to outlining some of it’s most useful tools, the report could help give you a jumpstart on creating responsive web designs.
“Bootstrap provides more than a dozen reusable components for web development, these are completely reusable and easily customizable,” according to the report.
“Whether you wish to work on the User Interface of a component or its functionality, both can be achieved by customizing their underlying CSS and JavaScript respectively. Bootstrap provides some of the basic components which are used in any normal web applications like Dropdowns, Button Groups, Bread Crumb, Labels, page headers, List groups, etc. as well as more advanced components such as Accordion, Panels, Progress Bars, Glyphicons, etc.”
The program is a compilation of necessary pieces for those who are looking to get a little more help in creating web applications and more importantly, ones that will fit the responsive design boom that has been going on. With responsive design, pages load faster and search engines like pages that load faster, especially mobile sites that load with ease. Bootstrap is essentially a shortcut that could give your project a push in the right direction, the direction of the future.
The outline takes you through getting started but also outlines three key tools that can be very useful. The tools include Jetstrap, Brix and Bootsnipp. These serve as replacements or alternatives to wire framing tools, according to the report.
“With Bootstrap, web development with responsive design is so much easier,” according to the report.
“With Microsoft providing support for Bootstrap directly within Visual Studio, its popularity has grown over the last year and has been very helpful to a lot of people.”
So, if you’re looking for a way to jumpstart your move to responsive design, Bootstrap might be a strong tool to help.
Read the full story.