When clients are looking for web developers to bring their websites to life they don’t tend to check of the different skills that developers have. However, web developers might want to check up on their own skills and make sure they have at lest a few of the 11 tech skills that Skillcrush points out in their infographics.
Flat web design started to prevail the industry somewhere at the beginning of 2013 and it hasn’t stopped yet. Websites, apps, posters, even company brandings – everywhere where there is graphic design involved you can see things shifting towards the flat-esque look. Yet it’s important to look beyond and understand that flat is much more than mere change in aesthetics – it’s also reshaped the way we think about web design. Flat is about showing less on the screen, but doing more with it. Flat is when visual styles are just means to help convey the message better, it is about reducing design down to essentials and celebrating content. Flat is simpler, clearer and content-focused design. In this post we’ve collected 25 beautiful websites showcasing the best flat has to offer. Enjoy.